Rule no. 5 of the perpetual diet
Put on something a little tight in the morning, when you are at your thinnest, and you will be less likely to overeat during the day.
Continue reading →Put on something a little tight in the morning, when you are at your thinnest, and you will be less likely to overeat during the day.
Continue reading →You should be a little hungry when you go to bed at night and and a lot ravenous when you wake up in the morning. If not, you are eating too much.
Continue reading →Weigh yourself once a week only. Not every day, whatever you do. Daily weighing is for morons. Daily weighing is the path to madness and despair.
Continue reading →At times during your diet your body will decide there’s a famine, and in a bid for self preservation it will start to hoard calories. You still police every morsel of food you put in your mouth but you stop … Continue reading →
Skinny friends keep you skinny; fat friends make you fat. Because weight control is like war. You need to pick a side and stay there. That’s science.
Continue reading →Never eat processed food. Processed food, oozing with salt and transfats and fructose and unpronounceable chemicals, is diabolically engineered to stimulate your appetite while never satiating it. Processed food, brought to you by faceless, heartless corporations who care only about … Continue reading →
Don’t eat in front of the television. Or the computer. Or while reading. Or under any circumstances that encourage the mindless consumption of food.
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